1st "Core" vaccination: 3-way (Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia) Given between 7 and 8 weeks of age.
2nd "Core" vaccination: 3-way or 4-way (Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia) Given between 10 and 12 weeks of age.
Health Guarantees:
1. Traipse guarantees that all kittens depart in good health and are free of Parasites (We will pay for the medicine if any are found)
2. Traipse offers a 5 year congenital replacement guarantee for early death (see full contract - Client funded necropsy required)
Free Micro-chipping
-All kittens at Traipse are micro chipped at approx. 3 - 4 weeks of age.
-Full 15 digit, internationally usable Microchip
-Free registration of your kitten/cat as well as all of your other animals is available at:
-Click the "Found Animals" link to register your kitten
-Consider a donation to the wonderful organization who allows all of us to register our pets for no charge!
First Pet License Fee Paid - All King County, WA Clients
-Initial Kitten License fee paid by Traipse.
-King County will automatically send you a renewal
- Saves you the time and energy in researching this and signing up on your own!
Note: This is a requirement of ALL king county cat/dog breeders/providers.
Note: The City of Seattle licenses pets within their city limits. Please use "Tabby Cat" as the breed as there is a misinterpretation as to whether or not to consider Bengals "wild animals" (yet have only 3 % wild DNA).
Laminated Picture Pedigree by Traipse
Includes Photos of Parents and Grandparents (where available)
as well as TICA registration Information for 4 generations
CFA or TICA Registration Slip (if requested)
-Breeders: Breeder Slip will either be sent to you via email or with the package of information at pick up/shipping.
-Pet Clients: Please provide me with a copy of your spay/neuter and state in your email/mail that you would like the registration form emailed to you.
- As long as the parent cats are fully owned by us, paperwork can be emailed to you usually within a week (95% of our kittens).
- If your kitten is the result of a partnership breeding, or mixed associations, then paperwork can take up to 6 months.
-Cost to register your kitten is approx. $20 and is needed to show your kitten/cat.
Award Winning Cat/Kitten Wand of Your Choice
(for local pick ups only)
Frontside of the Traipse Picture Pedigree
Backside of the Traipse Picture Pedigree