CH Traipse Sips Merlot
SBT 060616 074
TICA Champion 02/2017
Merlot is my keeper kitten from my Queen: RW SGC Traipse Vouvray! Merlot is a perfect combination between her and the Sire: IW SGC Traipse Around with Sasquatch. I have brought down the clear coat of Vouvray with the boning/Structure of both of them - I couldn't be happier!
Merlot went to On Safari in Feb. 2017 and competed against over 40 adult bengals. Now picture that this girl just had her 8 month old birthdate the day before!!! This made her the youngest adult at the show and probably the smallest as well (Being a female is always harder with Bengals when showing).
Well - Asa Broing and Debbie Lopeman gave her finals in the congress against over 30 other bengal adults! (the weekend before On Safari) You can't hope for more than this when there are so many "Best Bengals" all at one show while being a Female. Merlot is now a Champion.
Merlot's Genotype Information for Bengal Breeders:
Colorpoint/Snow: C/cs - Dam Carries for Snow
PK Def: N/K - She is a carrier
Agouti: Ad/Ad
Marble: TaM/Tab - Carries Marble
Dilute: D/D
Long Hair: N/N
PRA -B: N/N (Sire is carrier!)
Generations from closest Wild Ancestor: 8
Sire: IW SGC Sasquatch
Dam: RW SGC Vouvray
(Click photos for parent pages/photos/pedigrees)